
The consortium comprises three biggest technical universities, one public research institution and six commercial companies that rank among leading players in the fields of IT, software, data collection and practical implementation of intelligent transport systems on the Czech market. The consortium is composed of partners that have been selected in order to achieve SRA (Strategic research agenda) objectives such as introduction of new traffic and mobility monitoring methods, their integration with existing mobility monitoring methods or more precisely creation of complex information superstructure for transport and subsequent introduction of new mobility management and regulation methods, their testing and continuous improvement. In order to gain the highest possible level of „real world“ knowledge, the outputs (methods, applications, technologies etc.) will be practically implemented and operated in the long run in real life conditions throughout the project duration. The composition of RODOS project partners has been suggested with regard to this requirement as well. The institutions responsible for road traffic and public transport systems´ operation (Ministry of Transport, Roads of Ostrava, Roads of Brno, Technical road maintenance Prague, Police of the Czech Republic, Integrated Rescue System and selected public transport companies) have been invited to cooperate in addition to the consortium members. The Center for the Development of Transportation Systems is made up of carefully selected partners possessing the background, experience, know-how, specialists and facilities to achieve the goals of the strategic research agenda.

Vysoká škola báňská – Technical university of Ostrava

With a tradition dating back more than 160 years, this technical university acts as the guarantor and coordinator of the RODOS Center through the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence. It brings together numerous scientific disciplines involved in information and communication technologies and it also possesses the requisite material resources in terms of computer hardware and data storage capacities.

Transport Research Centre

The only public Czech research institution operating under the Ministry of Transportation. It employs over 140 senior specialists, whose job is to conduct research and development activities across the Czech Republic for all areas of transportation, public sector and business community and to provide maintenance services for the Ministry of Transportation and other agencies and organizations of the government, public as well as private sector.

Czech Technical University in Prague

One of the oldest technical universities in the world with a focus on finding ways to apply scientific advances to everyday life. At the RODOS Center, it is represented by the Department of Control and Telematics of the Faculty of Transportation and the Agent Technology Center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Specific areas in which these faculties contribute to the consortium include experts in automation, robotics, system engineering and aspects of artificial intelligence.

Brno University of Technology

Internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading educational institutions, the Brno University of Technology participates in the RODOS Center through its Faculty of Information Technology. This is the successor to the Institute of Informatics and Computer Science of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, which dates back to 1964. Each year, the faculty and its students receive a number of prestigious prizes.

CAMEA, spol. s r.o.

A manufacturer of modern systems to process images and signals used to monitor highway traffic flow. The company also conducts research in a number of areas, such as the methodologies and algorithms used for image processing and computerized visualization, computer graphics and human interaction with computers, image sensors and technically accelerated signal processing. The company also manufactures and sells image sensors and image processing equipment.

CE-Traffic, a.s.

A leading provider of traffic data and information services across Central Europe. Using its unique floating vehicle technology, the company has created an information network with detailed coverage of traffic flow in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. The company’s products provide schematic and icon overviews of traffic conditions. CE-Traffic a.s. is a strategic partner of T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

Central European Data Agency, a.s.

The first company devoted entirely to generation and management of digital maps. It integrates geographic and other data sources and distributes licenses for the use of its maps and spatial databases. Its primary activity is to generate and update a detailed and seamless map of the Czech and Slovak Republics suitable for demanding applications based on GIS principles.

The ELTODO Group

The ELTODO Group is represented at the RODOS Center by ELTODO EG, a.s. and ELTODO dopravní systémy s.r.o. The first of these companies is responsible for carrying out a comprehensive range of business objectives related to the delivery, installation, maintenance and service work for the power industry, transportation industry, lighting and telematic sectors. The second company designs tunnel systems for traffic control, parking systems, and intelligent transportation systems.

Kapsch Telematic Services spol. s r.o.

This company is part of the Kapsch Group and is responsible for the nation-wide electronic toll collection system currently in use in the Czech Republic, along with related implementation and consulting services. In addition, the company develops and provides advanced telecommunication services. Its portfolio also includes the design of municipal traffic control and intelligent transportation systems.

KVADOS, a.s.

Kvados specializes in mobile information systems and in-field resource management and has a presence in 11 European countries. The company’s philosophy is to provide clients with high-value-added solutions, giving them a long-term edge in terms of information systems, technology and capacity. Up to 15% of the company’s annual sales are reinvested into its own research and development.


A number of highly talented experts work with the Center for the Development of Transportation Systems, led by:

Ing. Martin Hájek

Director of the centre

Telefon: +420 597 329 155
GSM: +420 731 564 000

And where are we located? You can find us at:

RODOS Center for the Development of Transportation Systems
VŠB Business incubator – Technical University of Ostrava
Studentská 6202/17
708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic